Tygon Cafe - The Coffee Spilt Incident!

A few stairs down from the workshop area there are sounds of chatter and laughter, consistent tapping of kitchen objects and the smell of rich coffee that has risen from the coffee machine, filling up the atmosphere with its strong fragrance. It's lunch hour at the Tygon café. Students tip-tapping and making their way to the long queue, eager to have a snack or a drink. One by one they wait patiently, distracting themselves with their smartphones or by interacting with their friends as the queue barely reduces and moves along. Making one in particular individual very intolerant and frustrated. “Right, that’s it. I can’t take this any longer!”
This particular individual is a student. Stood with their back fairly bend with a tired and fed up expression drawn on their face. Moving out of the queue and making their way towards the counter. But as the student almost reaches the counter they are oblivious of the person, wearing a grey hoodie, walking in their direction which results in them colliding into one another, allowing for the unthinkable to take place. In a matter of moments, the student’s chest turns red and redder.
The coffee has been splattered on their top. “I’m so sorry”, said the person, looking in disbelief. “I honestly did not see you.” “You burned me!”, exclaimed the student, in a rage of anger. The person was getting fairly worried as they did not want to get in even deeper trouble. A staff member walks into the scene, a mop and bucket in his hand. “Look, go to the medical room”, he said. “You will be okay”. He reassured the student and then began mopping the floor.
The student made his way out and the person followed them, wanting to apologise. “Look, mate, I truly am sorry. I did not see you. Is there anything you want me to do for you?” The person really tried to make amends, but the student was having none of it. “Please just leave me alone”, pleaded the student. “You really hurt me…actually, you scarred me!” The student walked off and the person realized there was no point in trying again. With great remorse, they took one last look at the student then walked off towards the workshop block, head hung down.
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