A Life in the Day - Fashion designer & Support assistant, Sheree Robinson

A Life in the Day: the Fashion designer and Support assistant Sheree Robinson juggles between two careers and is succeeding really well. 

During the week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays my day starts with supporting students in London College of Communication. I support them with their physical needs: carrying their equipment or books. I also sit with students to help them plan or structure their time so that they are organized and are not falling behind in their studies as well as writing notes for those who are entitled.

I am also a fashion designer, therefore, the other two days, Wednesdays and Fridays I may go to Central Saint Martins, a  public tertiary art school, to teach students how to knit and give them guidance. Some of the time I also go to Central Saint Martins for knitwork.

In the evenings I spend my time mainly on my own knitting career: most of the time I do knitting parties, in bars and clubs located on the east and west side of London. It involves setting the table, giving a demonstration and a close-up view if needed, I do them through a company called Wool and the Gang that I also freelance for.

But when I get approached to knit materials for someone then I attend fewer parties and focus on trying to get the request finished. So far I have knitted for Derek Lawlor, small companies and as fashion week is approaching I’ll be knitting for those who are involved and would want clothes made. Additionally, for my freelance work, I attend meetings at The Prince’s Trust, they are helping to support my new knitwork business.

When it comes to knitting nothing is the same every week:  teaching and giving guidance in the mornings depends on which day they need me or require my assistance. There even has been moments where I have had to go to St Martins instead of attending LCC.

Attending parties again depends on whether they need me or not, if they are holding an event for me to go and help them or if I am not busy knitting clothes for someone.  Therefore I never really know what is coming next or what I'm supposed to do, all I can say it simply changes.

So as you can see I have quite a busy schedule but when I do get some free time to myself I work on my own collection, knitting clothes such as hats, jumpers and much more. My dream, my absolute dream would be to be my own boss or self-employed: working on my own clothes, knitting them and selling them to the public. Having a proper income or wage. That would be absolutely amazing!

What do you want to do ?
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