This World (Dunya) is Nothing But A Beautiful Lie...💔💔📿


A few months before the new year commenced - 2024, the biggest tragedy of my life took place. An unexpected and sudden tragedy - my father's demise. It was 29th November 2023 when my father breathed his last. Since then my outlook on life changed as well as my life. The value of this 'dunya' (world) lessened and I began to appreciate things that have an everlasting impact instead of this 'dunya' gibberish. His death was a huge shock & still is...

Since that moment, 4 months have passed and during the month of  March 2024 (the month of Ramadan), another occurrence deeply touched me. The short yet inspiring story of a young brother known as 'Omar Algaf'. He passed away at the young age of 22 due to a car crash incident. The story of his demise went viral on TikTok (how I found out) and a close family member attended his janazah (burial) as it's one of the rights a Muslim has upon another Muslim. 

The more videos I came across about this brother, the more I was moved and in awe. He was a Muslim - a decent and noble Muslim brother from what I gathered and a huge number of people attended his burial. Looks wise, he was appealing but more importantly his characteristics and personality were more worthy of praise. Additionally, he died during the holy month of Ramadan - on the most sacred day of the week - Jummah (Friday) while fasting. 

Eventually, after everything I gathered about the situation, it made me re-think and reflect quite a lot about myself & life. For starters, reminded me to embrace my faith more and do good in this temporary life for the permanent afterlife. Reminded me to appreciate my loved ones, especially a dear family member who I felt was very similar to the late deceased - similar physical features, practising of the deen (religion) and similar personality traits as well. 

While no one is perfect, this family member is very dedicated to the deen (religion) despite the challenges and people around him saying all sorts.

Anyhow, after my father's untimely demise and brother's Omar Algaf's departure, I have begun to see life differently - hoping to focus on being a better righteous being and embracing Islamic values even more because as it's been acknowledged and said, 'This dunya (life) is nothing but a beautiful lie.'          


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