
Showing posts from 2020

Goodbye 2020 ~ A Bizarre, Ambigous & Saddening Year!

At the beginning of 2020, I was optimistic for it to be a happy, exciting and productive year. Instead, it began with slight sadness & tension but nothing too significant or life-changing. Yet again, it may have been a warning to what was to come & have a life-changing impact on everyone around the world. The first few months went exceptionally well for me - from January until mid-March: got a job at an office environment - journalism-related and attended numerous outings. 😁💪 But from then on life, started to take a turn for the worst & went downhill. It was an unexpected turn of events - very baffling for many, including myself. All this was due to a horrible & life-threatening virus knowns as Corona or Covid - 19.   Suddenly restrictions came in place in the UK and, everyone was anxious and concerned at the sudden & worrying situation. I was very annoyed that I could not do the things I would do daily, including going to the gym - an activity I'm very much f...

Covid 19: A Period of Uncertainty & Isolation - March 2020 - July 2020

It's one thing hearing about critical times and another having to live it. We have all heard stories about periods or countries having experienced numerous discomfort or danger. Though Diana never thought in her wildest dreams, it would become her reality too - especially in an advanced country such as the UK, London. Freedom and free will, something we value dearly and don't usually give much thought to as it is automatically given what with being in advanced countries, had become quite limited due to a hazardous virus called COVID 19. A virus that has possibly originated from China and caused too much disturbance around the globe. Towards the end of March 2020 was when Diana's lifestyle began to change drastically due to covid restrictions - the daily activities she would do and the freedom she had was no longer accessible.  Due to the new rules put in place by the government and family concerns, Diana had to stay indoors more than usual - not go out to the gym, meet up w...

Aryana Sayeed🎤🎼

Imagine being a fan and wanting to interact with one of your favourite artists. To get even the slightest attention would mean the world for fans wanting to interact with their beloved celebrities. Diana was one of those privileged individuals to get granted such an opportunity. Back in 2010, she came across an artist that would later become a huge success in the music industry of Afghanistan in the years to come. This super talented star is Aryana Sayeed. Aryana Sayeed has become a household name for Afghans inside Afghanistan as well as for those living abroad - gaining popularity and fame almost instantly. Diana is also taken by her voice and talent as well. But, before Ms Sayeed even hit stardom, Diana sensed there was something unique about her and went to her first solo concert in London back in 2011 held in Byron Hall, Harrow. She became the lucky few who got the chance to interact with the talented artist of Afghanistan as well as witnessing her performing live! However, l...

Smartphones within Education.

The constant tap-tapping of fingers eager to explore the invented world of a smartphone, an everlasting trend that has evolved in the 21st century. A modern device that has kept the entire world engaged with its presence, distancing one from the ongoing reality of life. Preferably wooing the world with unlimited leisure through the numerous options. In fact, it is a fascinating product that would be unmissable to have even for student life - a device that might enhance one’s opportunity to greatness. Lately, it has been brought to attention by The Guardian that banning smartphones from classrooms could have a negative impact on education. Using a smartphone during lessons is considered the biggest distraction. Reportedly, it has been predicted that roughly around 2.6 billion people around the world is going to become smartphone users. Lecturers frown upon them being visible or used by a student in their lectures for leisure purposes. From the students' perspective, it has made...

Ramadan overlaps the Exam period!

London, the 18 long ridiculous hours in the summer. The sun boiling, increasing thirst and dehydration - having to survive without food and drink throughout the daylight, affecting only a minority group: the Muslims.  They are expected to be active and deal with the stressful yet life-changing exams. Quite recently, concerns were raised in two news outlets, expressing that students should make an exception to avoid low grades and the exam timetable should take into consideration the month of fasting. “It’s a habit taking a bottle of water into the exam”, said, Anjuma Rahman, a student recalling her time in her sixth form.  Initially, one would think it would be unbearable for students to cooperate during exam times while fasting throughout the month of Ramadan, a sacred month for the Muslims and living in a country where it only applies to a minority. The initial thought of them having pale faces, worn-out expressions with a slouched body language. Surprisingly, though...

How Street Art has Affected an Area

For the sake of creativity and for people to express themselves, the public or government has permitted graffiti aka street art to take place openly and legally under the long tunnel of Leake Street, located in Waterloo. To allow graffiti or art lovers to be creative as well as make the tunnel a colourful place to pass by. It is a gift for those who would usually graffiti in unauthorised areas and get in trouble for it as the law considers it vandalism and forbids the public to do graffiti wherever they please. Thus, these types of places would be quite popular and a privilege to go to. Lilli Levi - who works near the area says: "...this authorized feature tunnel around certain areas of east London is particularly popular.” However, Laura Fitzpatrick, a tourist from Canada, believes that there should be a punishment in the form of a penalty when an individual graffiti something harsh. Even though she thinks having an area to do street art graffiti is a great concept. Laur...