Covid 19: A Period of Uncertainty & Isolation - March 2020 - July 2020

It's one thing hearing about critical times and another having to live it. We have all heard stories about periods or countries having experienced numerous discomfort or danger. Though Diana never thought in her wildest dreams, it would become her reality too - especially in an advanced country such as the UK, London.

Freedom and free will, something we value dearly and don't usually give much thought to as it is automatically given what with being in advanced countries, had become quite limited due to a hazardous virus called COVID 19. A virus that has possibly originated from China and caused too much disturbance around the globe.

Towards the end of March 2020 was when Diana's lifestyle began to change drastically due to covid restrictions - the daily activities she would do and the freedom she had was no longer accessible.  Due to the new rules put in place by the government and family concerns, Diana had to stay indoors more than usual - not go out to the gym, meet up with friends/family members or go to work. It was a disaster for her and, she found it extremely difficult. 

Social distance, stay-at-home directives, self-quarantine, or self ...

Coronavirus quarantine and self-isolation: your questions answered ... 

For one month, Diana barely stepped out of the house.  An absolute nightmare as she loves nature and the open air. Initially, Diana took the change of circumstances tough to bear as she had finally figured her life out and was looking forward to many things, but then suddenly everything had to stop.

Infusing hope amid despair - Counseling Today

Nonetheless, after carefully monitoring the situation and acknowledging how to keep safe outdoors, Diana eventually decided it was time to start stepping outside and going for strolls. So, at the start of May, she took such a step, and it was amazing! However, this became a more regular occurrence towards the end of the month. But when the restrictions were in place and, the lockdown phase began, it truly took a toll on her and, I'm sure Diana was not alone.

Unfortunately, it's an ambiguous situation with the government & rules constantly changing. To many's dismay, it's been the highlight of 2020!  

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What do you want to do ?
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What do you want to do ?
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