How Street Art has Affected an Area

For the sake of creativity and for people to express themselves, the public or government has permitted graffiti aka street art to take place openly and legally under the long tunnel of Leake Street, located in Waterloo. To allow graffiti or art lovers to be creative as well as make the tunnel a colourful place to pass by.

It is a gift for those who would usually graffiti in unauthorised areas and get in trouble for it as the law considers it vandalism and forbids the public to do graffiti wherever they please. Thus, these types of places would be quite popular and a privilege to go to. Lilli Levi - who works near the area says: "...this authorized feature tunnel around certain areas of east London is particularly popular.”

However, Laura Fitzpatrick, a tourist from Canada, believes that there should be a punishment in the form of a penalty when an individual graffiti something harsh. Even though she thinks having an area to do street art graffiti is a great concept. Laura Fitzpatrick says: "I am for open and legal expressions of art. If they are going to start a hate speech or anything like that then yes there should be a penalty."

Despite the prevention or negativity towards this style of art, a few think it’s a positive notion and find it pleasant to do. Lili Levi says: "I think it’s a benefit to the area. I think it shows different communities and it is a form of art. It’s basically a reflection of culture and community”. Laura Fitzpatrick says: It can be tasteful. I think graffiti is a peaceful way to compete.”

More importantly, artists like Banksy has given importance to graffiti - showing to the world that it is actual art and not a scribble. It's street art done in the right way, in an appropriate space. Lili Levi says: I mean look at the rise of street art and graffiti in terms of prominent figures like Banksy - it’s brought meaning to street art...”

Overall, having a place such as the long tunnel and the freedom for artists and other street art lovers to do graffiti as a way of expressing themselves and their artistic side is perceived as a positive move. Laura Fitzpatrick says: “It’s the artist’s responsibility to be lobbying the public or the government to open this kind of areas for their right to express themselves”. Lilli Levi says: “I think the fact that it’s an authorized graffiti tunnel it’s really important”.

 Video: How Street Art has Affected an Area



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