Ramadan overlaps the Exam period!

London, the 18 long ridiculous hours in the summer. The sun boiling, increasing thirst and dehydration - having to survive without food and drink throughout the daylight, affecting only a minority group: the Muslims. They are expected to be active and deal with the stressful yet life-changing exams. Quite recently, concerns were raised in two news outlets, expressing that students should make an exception to avoid low grades and the exam timetable should take into consideration the month of fasting. “It’s a habit taking a bottle of water into the exam”, said, Anjuma Rahman, a student recalling her time in her sixth form. Initially, one would think it would be unbearable for students to cooperate during exam times while fasting throughout the month of Ramadan, a sacred month for the Muslims and living in a country where it only applies to a minority. The initial thought of them having pale faces, worn-out expressions with a slouched body language. Surprisingly, though...