2020: Kabul University & Afghan Journalists

Alongside the corona-virus crisis, other things took place that made the year 2020 more dreadful and tragic, having a bitter impact on people living in Afghanistan, especially students & journalists. From the start of November 2020, multiple attacks occurred, all at a short space of time, starting with Kabul university - killing numerous students, all young and full of ambitions. A few days after the devastating assassination of a well established & prominent journalist named Yama Siawash happened. Seeing or hearing about the Kabul University attack had upset me a lot - leaving me in tears twice and then discovering about the murder of such a young successful and talented journalist saddened me even further. I was quite fond of his personality - the way he used to conduct himself as a news anchor and do his job successfully. Moreover, there was something unique about him that would make him stand out amongst other journalists and some well-known faces of Afghanist...